Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Family, friends, and wild flowers

I've lived my whole life - 26 years - upon a single island, while the rest of the world worked, grew, functioned and continued on around me. I've now spent two weeks far away from the place that I call home in the place most often know as England, and my world has become rather a lot bigger. As has my extended family. Interesting, funny, thoughtful and genuine people, family with whom I share the same blood and I barely knew they existed. And funnily, upon meeting them I feel as though I've known them all my life. My perspective has altered by the experiences I've had and the people I've encountered, as I somewhat expected it would before I embarked on this journey - and it's brilliant.

And then there are the kids...


and her brother, Oliver..

Their mum and my cousin, Vanessa.

My great uncle John..

 My great Aunt Sheila. And my Grandmother..

Vanessa's newly husbanded Chris..

My cousin Suzie & her boyfriend Lewis...

A few of the great characters among many others.

I miss home a little, but only a little, as before long I will return and the normality of life will resume. But I will resume it afresh, anew, inspired and lively, with brighter and more colourful things to come.
But before all of that, I am still here, still intrigued by the novelty of England, the comparisons of life lived elsewhere. With a number of exciting adventures still to come.. 

London... Paris...

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